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“ Wood-burning stoves: Primary, secondary and tertiary air supplies Over the last few years we have seen a significant tightening of regulations regarding wood-burning stoves. Unfortunately, for what many believe to be purely political reasons it looks as though these regulations will tighten yet further in the medium to long term. As a consequence, squeezing […]
“ Which Fuels Should I Burn in my Multi-Fuel Stove? I should like to take this opportunity to dwell on a subject which is close to my heart, yet seldom discussed here. This is the apparent mystery surrounding solid fuels – which are suitable or otherwise? Wood Coal Smokless Fuels Petroleum Coke Unlike gas and […]
“ What Size Fire Do I Need (Calculating BTU) Calculating Amount of Heat required (BTU) You will need 1 kW of heat for every 15 cubic meter of space to be heated. To calculate what size of fire or stove you will need, measure the width, length, and height of the room or space […]
“ A Guide to Understanding Chimney Height and Draft. The fundamental principles underlying how a chimney draws are well known and something we all learnt at school. Hot air is less dense than colder air and therefore rises. In an attempt to equalise the pressure air is drawn from outside of the hearth or heating […]
“ Types of Solid Fuel Suitable for Open Fire Places Below you will find a list of commonly used types of coal availiable from your local coal merchant or fuel supplier, their burn qualities and their suitability for open fires and solid fuel appliances. Bituminous House Coal ü […]